Holy Buckets! I can’t believe…

…that my flight is tomorrow. With final exams, final papers, new job preparations, purchasing a home and thoughts about holidays, it’s hard to believe that our 2 week adventure to India is literally right around the corner. I have gone from waiting for weeks to now waiting mere hours, and not without a bit of trepidation. At the same time, I am anxiously awaiting what is around that corner and the experiences I will have about which I can only begin to imagine.

The driving force for my interest in this trip (in addition to the obvious, I’m going to INDIA) is now almost 7 years old. The idea of social enterprise and the impact it can have on the lives of others is something I have known from an academic sense for quite a while. My college career was focused on it and I have begun to have this focus in my graduate degree life as well. However, as we all know, that which I know intellectually is not nearly as powerful, meaningful or impactful as that which I know through experience. And what an experience I hope to have.

I must say, I am thankful to have been towards the latter half of the group to post my initial thoughts. Thanks for the reminders about the things I was just about to forget to pack (Mike, glasses lens cleaner…how did I almost forget, especially looking out my currently smudged glasses!!). Also, I appreciate seeing and understanding a bit better your thoughts and ideas. And, perhaps most importantly, reading what you all have written reminds me that all will be good, and I do have what seems to be a great group with whom I am traveling.

Final words of prep before I run off to the store: Clear your mind; be present every moment; relish the amazing, the good, the bad, and the ugly…they each make the experience what it is; come back changed; say YES to as many experiences as you can; make an impact, however great or small.

To my family and friends who read this, see you on the other side!

One thought on “Holy Buckets! I can’t believe…

  1. Adam, I share your interest in social enterprise. There’s a general sense that business is a cause of many social problems, but I think that conflates the implementation of business with business as a set of skills and tools. Michael Porter has a lot to say on this in his writing and speaking on shared value, and Paul Hawken (Ecology of Commerce) sees business as the only real way of reversing our impact on the ecosphere. That business can be a tool to solve social problems rather than causing them is a fascinating and encouraging idea, and I agree that seeing it in action is necessary to understand it.

    See you at Sea-Tac in a few hours!

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